Monday, April 11, 2016

International response LDQ

Using specific examples, evaluate the International responses to reduce global warming. [6]

Best answer : Nathan

The International responses to reduce global warming was somewhat successful such as the Kyoto Protocol and the Copenhagen Conference. This essay will discuss what the two responses were, as well as the limitations of both meetings.

The Kyoto Protocol was held in 1997 in Japan to reduce greenhouse gas emission.  It plans to promote sustainable development in which developed countries worked with developing countries to promote carbon reducing projects. Countries like Finland, Greece and Ireland have met or exceeded the targets set by the Kyoto Protocol. However, there were also countries such as Denmark, Austria and Spain that did not achieve their targets although they have also signed the treaty.

The Copenhagen Conference was held in 2009 in Denmark to build upon measures developed in the Kyoto Protocol for addressing climate change. The International agreement aims to keep global temperature increase to below 2 degree celsius. Developed countries pledged to provide US$30billion to developing countries to fight climate change. However, the accord was a guideline and no countries will be punished if they do not fulfill their pledges.

In conclusion, the Kyoto Protocol is less successful as it has limited impact on global greenhouse gas emissions. This is because countries  like China and India who did not sign the protocol continued to contribute significantly to the global emissions. Countries must also work at the national level whereby the government can monitor and control the greenhouse gas emission.

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