Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Class test 2 answers

Top student - Shufang and Sophiann


What does the number in the circle of the wind rose represents?                                    

.The number of calm days / days without wind.                                                                       [1]


Name the instrument in Fig. 2 and Fig. 3. Describe two factors that would affect the accuracy and reliability of data collected for both instrument.                                          [6]

- Sling psychrometer [1]
- Hold the sling psychrometer away from the body so that it does not pick up the body heat [1]
- Swing it a steady pace about 2 seconds per turn so that the instrument can measure the temperature accurately [1]

- Wind vane [1]
- Use a compass to determine how the wind vane should be positioned so that the direction is accurate [1]
- Place the wind vane in an open area where the wind is blowing directly and there is no obstruction [1]

Note: wind vane is not to be placed above the HEAD!

‘The Green Mark Scheme is the most successful national strategy implemented in Singapore to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.’

To what extent do you agree with the statement? Use examples to support your answers.

Green Mark Scheme Constructing ‘green’ buildings
- This was launched in 2005 to encourage buildings to be energy-efficient and environmentally friendly

‘Green’ buildings such as the National Library Building have reported energy savings of 15-35%. This cuts down greenhouse gas emissions by reducing the use of fossil fuels to generate electricity.
‘Green’ buildings may cost more to build because the materials used are more expensive.
Singapore Green Plan
Reduce greenhouse gas emissions by using natural gas as an energy source as it does not produce smoke
By 2010, 79% of Singapore’s electricity was being generated from natural gas, which exceeds the Ministry of Environment’s target ahead of schedule.
Natural had requires complex treatment plants to process and pipelines to transport. These pipelines have high maintenance costs because they need to be laid underground and have to be checked regularly for leakage.

Plant A Tree
Started in 1971 to plant more trees and plants. Residents are encouraged to donate money to buy a tree or take part in tree planting events.
The programme contributed to 60,000 trees planted yearly throughout Singapore by the National Parks Board. Trees are the green lungs of the environment as they remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.
Trees take many years to mature so it takes time to materialize. Even relatively fast growing trees likes Angsanas take 25 years to reach their full height.

Conclusion : Suggestion / new ideas/ eg India's energy labelling programme/ Copenhagen conference

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