Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Impact of climate change LDQ

Do you agree that the rise of sea level is the worst impact of climate change?

I agree to a large extent that sea level rise is the worst impact of climate change as it could lead to disastrous outcome to coastal region as well as low-lying islands. However climate change may also have significant impact on growing seasons of crops. In this essay, i will discuss about the negative impact of climate change such as sea level rising and also how infectious disease is being spread.

The increase of sea level refers to the rise in the mean height of the sea's surface relative to the land. When temperature increases, glaciers will melt, which adds water into the sea. The increased in temperature also results in expansion of the water. For instance in Majuro Atoll in the Pacific Ocean, the rise of sea level will result in 80% of its land being submerged under water. Therefore sea level rise may flood many coastal areas and low-lying islands, resulting in loss of lives and property.

Temperature increase also causes infectious diseases to be widely spread. The increased in rainfall and temperature is favorable for insects to breed in new areas as countries that were cold is now warmer. For example, Nepal experienced Malaria and Dengue Fever in 2004 for the first time due to global warming.

In conclusion, the impact of sea level rise is worst as it affects the coastal population, and may lead to a greater loss of lives. The spread of diseases affects only certain countries and less disastrous than coastal flooding. Humans activities that contributes greenhouse gases should be closely monitored so that we can control global warming. The government should also take precautions to prepare themselves in the event of sea level rising or spread of infectious diseases.

Highest scorer - Firdau L3/5

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