Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Corrections to HW P60 - Relief and convectional rain


With the aid of a well-labelled diagram, account for the formation of relief rain.                             [5]

  • As the wind blows across the sea, it picks up moisture.
  • When the moist air encounters the highland, it is forced to rise.
  • As the air rises, temperature decreases and relative humidity increases.
  • At dew point temperature, the air is saturated and condensation occurs 
  • where water vapour condense to water droplets to form clouds.
  • When the water droplets are too heavy to be suspended, 
  • they fall as relief rain on the windward side of the highland.
  • As wind continues to blow the clouds towards the leeward side of the mountain
  • There is lesser water vapour and no more precipitation, leaving it dry 

    Name an instrument used to obtain the readings for rainfall and explain  
     where the instrument should be placed in order to get accurate                                        
                         measurements of the daily rainfall.               [3]                                                                                                                                                                                                      

    • Instrument = rain gauge (ignore spelling error of ‘guage’)
    • Open grassy area / open field to reduce evaporation 
    • as it is  cooler in the ground than on a concrete surface.
    • And to prevent water on concrete surface to splash into the raingauge
    • Away from buildings and trees to prevent raindrops from buildings                                              and trees from dripping into the rain gauge or fallen leaves and 
    • twigs from choking the funnel

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