Monday, January 11, 2016

13 Jan Relative Humidity

Lesson objective

  • - What is relative humidity? Resource pack P21
  • - How do we measure relative humidity using a sling psychrometer?

Video -

Can we use Hygrometer too? -
Haar-Hygrometer.jpg (400×400)

Geographical Investigation - Sling Psychrometer -  Text P172

1. Dip the wick of the wet bulb in water
2. Swing the sling psychrometer at a steady pace away from your body
3. After 1 min, record the temp on the WET bulb
4. Swing another 1 min, record the temp again (If temp is different, to repeat again)
3. Record the DRY bulb temp
5. Find the wet bulb depression : Dry bulb temperature minus wet bulb temperature
6. Use table to determine the RH %

Resource pack questions
-P48 a,b,c Springfield
-P49 a,b GMS
-P60&61 AHS

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