Thursday, January 28, 2016

1st Feb Monsoon Wind

1) What is monsoon wind?
2) Explain the formation of 4 types of monsoon wind
 - NE, NW, SE, SW

Resource pack
- P34 : Summary page
Coriolis effect:

- P62 Fig. 6
- P62 Anglican High : NE
- P62/63 Zhenghua: SW

Monsoon Wind summary
Oct to February
June to Sept
Direction of wind
Northeast monsoon : from Asia to Australia (From NE to NW)
-        India (Winter, high pressure)

Southeast monsoon : from Australia to Asia (From SE to SW)
-        India (Summer, low pressure)

Before equator
Northeast monsoon : from Asia to Australia (From NE to NW)
-        India (Winter, high pressure)

Southeast monsoon : from Australia to Asia (From SE to SW)
-        India (Summer, low pressure)
After equator (CORIOLIS EFFECT)
Northwest monsoon
-        Australia (Summer, low pressure)


Southwest monsoon
Australia (Winter, high pressure)

Light rain on India
Heavy rain on Singapore
Heavy rain on Australia
Heavy rain on India
Light rain on Australia
Light rain on Singapore (Absorb by Indonesia)


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