Thursday, August 25, 2016

Last lesson summary

What are the 4 groups that helps to promote tourism? [4]
 - Government, Media, International Organization and Travel writers.
What are the 3 trends of how tourism is evolving? [3]
- From mass evolve to niche tourism
- From package holiday to free and easy, solo travel
- Growth of both short and long haul destinations due to budget airline and improve in aircraft technology
- Growth of ecotourism

Any 3
Increase in Tourism numbers [8]

-         List the 2 development in Technology to increase the number of tourists.

                              1) Aircraft development
                              2) Internet and use of social media to promote tourism

-         List the 3 demand factors to increase the number of tourists.

                            1) Disposable income
                            2) Leisure time
                            3) Changing lifestyle

-         List the 3 destination factors to increase the number of tourists.

 1) Attractions of the destination
 2) Investment in infrastructure and services
 3) Access to information

List 4 reasons that causes a sudden drop in tourism numbers. [4]
1) Disasters
2) Diseases
3) Political situations /terrorism
4) Economic recessions 

Impact of tourism
List the 6 positive and negative economic impact of tourism. [6]
 1) Employment opportunities
 2) Growth in income
 3) Increase in foreign exchange
 4) Infrastructure development
 5) Seasonal unemployment
 6) Underuse of facilities
 7) Shortage of services

List the 3 Socio-cultural impact of tourism. [3]
          1) Preservation of culture and local customs
          2) Dilution of culture and local customs
          3) Increased crime

        List the 3 Environmental impact of tourism. [3]
         1) Conservation of natural environments
         2) Increased congestion
         3) Vandalism
         4) Pollution and littering
         5) Destruction of habitats
         6) Increased carbon footprints

What are the 5 groups that are responsible to conserve and manage tourism? [5]
 - Tourists
 - Tour operators (tour agencies)
 - Non governmental organization
 - Locals
 - Government

What are the 4 factors that affects temperature of a location? [4]
·      Temperature (Max and Min Thermometer)
1)      Latitude
2)      Altitude
3)      Distance from the sea
4)      Cloud cover

·      Relative humidity, clouds and rainfall
1)      What is the instrument to measure Relative humidity? [1]
                 - sling psychrometer

2)      What are the 2 types of rainfall? [2]
                  - convectional rainfall
                  - relief rain

·      Pressure and winds
1)      What is the instrument to measure pressure? [1]
                   - barometer

2)      Wind systems (Anemometer)
-         List the 2 types of breezes. [2]
  1) Sea breeze
  2) Land breeze
-         List the 2 types of monsoon winds. [2]
1) Northeast to Northwest
2) Southwest to Southeast

What are the 3 types of climate? [3]
1) Tropical climate
2) Monsoon climate
3) Cool temperate climate

Changes in climate
·      Greenhouse gases

·      Cause of climate change
-         List 2 natural factors [2].

 1) Volcanic eruptions
 2) Sunspots 

-         List 5 Anthropogenic (Human) factors
-         Burning of fossil fuels
-         Deforestation
-         Changing land use
-         Agriculture
-         Industrialization
-         Urbanization 

What are the 4 Impact of climate change? [4]
- Sea level rise
- More frequent extreme weather events
- Spread of diseases
- Changes in growing seasons 

Responses and challenges to climate change
1)      What are the 2 International responses to global climate change? [2]
                  - Kyoto protocol
                  - Copenhagen conference

2)      What are the 3 National responses to climate change? [3]
          - Energy efficiency/conservation
          - New building requirements
          - Technologies 


What are 2 reasons that causes plates to move? [2]
 - convection currents circulating in the mantle
 - slab pull movement of the plates
What are the 3 types of plate movements and what landforms do they form? [6]
 - Divergent : ridge, rift valleys
 - Convergent : trench, fold mountains
 - Transform : Faults
What are the 4 parts of a volcano? [4] Crater/caldera, vent, magma chamber, pipe

List 2 difference between the shield and strato volcano? [2]
- Slope : Shield has a gentle slope but strato has a steep slope
- Height : Shield has a shorter height and dome shape, but strato has a higher height 

What are the 4 benefits of living in a volcanic area? [4]
 - Tourism
 - Geothermal energy
 - Fertile soil
 - Precious stones and minerals

What are the 4 risks of living in a volcanic area? [4]
 - Destruction by volcanic materials
 - Landslides
 - Pollution
 - Negative effects on weather 

What are the 5 factors that can affect the magnitude of an earthquake? [5]
 - Distance from epicenter
 - Type of soil
 - Time of occurrence
 - Preparedness
 - Population density

What are the 6 impact of earthquake? [6]
 - Disruption of services
 - Fires
 - Landslides
 - Destruction of properties
 - Loss of lives
 - Threat of tsunami

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