Sunday, August 21, 2016

Class Quiz - Plate tectonics

1)  What landforms are created at the divergent oceanic and oceanic plate? Give an example.

Ans: Ridge. Mid Atlantic ridge

2) What type of plate movements created the Great East African Rift Valley?

Ans:  Divergent between continental and continental plates

3) How are volcanoes formed?

Ans: At subduction zone, the denser plate melts and creates magma. Excess magma rises through the gaps of the earth and forms a volcano / When plates diverge, magma rises up the openings of the earth.

4) What are the 3 differences between a shield and strato volcano?

Ans: Shield volcano is shorter in height and strato volcano is higher in height.
Shield volcano has a gentle slope but strato volcano has a steep slope.
Shield volcano has a low viscosity but strato volcano has a high viscosity.

5) What are the benefits of staying in a volcanic area?

Ans: Fertile soil, precious stones and minerals, tourism and geothermal energy

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