Wednesday, August 17, 2016

2014 N level paper Q3

Fig. 6

Compare the changes in tourist arrivals in Malaysia with the revenue earned between 1998 and 2011.                                                                                                                [3]

  • General rise/increase in tourist arrivals and tourist revenue between 1998 and 2011
  • 2003, (anomalie) steep drop/decrease/dip in tourist arrivals and tourist revenue
  • In 2007, while tourist arrivals remain steady, tourist revenue seems to increase more rapidly


Study Fig. 7 which shows the percentage change between 2009 and 2011 in tourist arrivals to Malaysia from the top 10 countries. 

Fig. 7

Describe the percentage changes in tourist arrivals to Malaysia.  [3]

  • Positive change in tourist arrivals from Singapore, China, Brunei and Indonesia
  • Biggest increase from China
  • Negative change in tourist arrivals from Indonesia, Thailand, UK, Japan and Philippines.
  • Biggest decrease from Philippines
Any of the three points

‘Variation in tourist arrivals is affected more by natural disasters than any other factor.’   How far do you agree with this statement?  Give examples to support your answer.      [6]

Intro: Agree/disagree [Natural disasters affect tourist arrivals.]

1st paragraph: PEE
Tsunami – Japan 2011; Indian Ocean 2004 / Earthquakes – Christchurch, Szechuan 2008

2nd paragraph : PEE
Other factors than can affect tourist arrivals; write on 1 other factors
  • Political instability e.g. Thailand
  • Diseases e.g. SARs, ebola,
  • Economic downturn e.g 2008
Tourism numbers can fluctuate due to many factors. The government should take precautions to ensure that in the event of any events occuring eg Economic downturn, promoting and marketing of Tourism can help to increase in number of tourists.

Level 1
(0 - 2m)
At this level answers will be generalised or with minimal support if any stand were given at all.
Reasoning rather weak and expression may be unclear.
A basic answer that has little development.

Level 2
(3 - 4m)
Disagreement or agreement will be supported by appropriate detail.
Or, both agreement and disagreement are considered, but support is patchy so that the answer is not full. 
Good reasoning and logic in parts of the answer with good expression in places.

Level 3
(5 - 6m)
At this level answers will be supported by sound knowledge.
Both agreement and disagreement are considered and well supported. 
Reasoning is clear and logical with good expression of language.

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