Thursday, August 25, 2016

2014 N level Q5

Annotate Fig. 10 to explain how convectional rainfall is caused.  [4]  - don’t leave any line for students

Fig. 10

Fig. 10 should have the following information:
  • Sun’s energy reaches the earth
  • The earth’s surface is heated by sun’s energy.  In turn, heats up the surrounding air.
  • Warm air rises and expands
  • Air cools on rising.  Reaches dew point temperature and condensation takes place / condensation level [the horizontal line below the cloud]
  • When the droplets are huge enough, there will be conventional rain, which is followed by thunder and lightning

Study Fig. 11A and 11B which show a hygrometer and a relative humidity table.

Using Figs 11A and 11B, state the relative humidity.  Explain how you have used the hygrometer and table to calculate the relative humidity.                                                  [4]

Relative humidity:  63 %

  • Read dry bulb temperature 25 C; read wet bulb temperature 20 C
  • Find the wet bulb depression; the difference between the dry bulb temperature and wet bulb temperature
  • Read the conversion table to derive the Relative Humidity percentage

Study Fig. 12, a graph which shows the average annual temperatures for Singapore over 63 years.

Fig. 12

Describe the trends in average temperatures for Singapore, as shown in Fig. 12.  [4]

  • Singapore average temperature on the rise; from 26.75C to 28 C
  • Increase by 1.25 C over 30 years from 1950 to 1980
  • After 1980, temperature increase
  • Highest in 1990, reaches average of 28.75 C


What strategies are countries, such as Singapore, developing in response to climate change?                                                                                                                           [4]

National strategies required:  Singapore
  • Singapore Green Plan 2012 … reduce greenhouse gases by using natural gas as energy
  • Plant-A-Tree Programme … because the trees are green lungs of the environments as they remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere
  • Green Mark Scheme … construct green building which are energy-efficient and environmentally friendly; such buildings cut down greenhouse gas emissions by reducing the use of fossil fuels to generate electricity
  • Use less energy to provide same service; e.g. using solar energy

National strategies required:  India
  • Energy labelling programme … reduce energy consumption by labelling frost-free products like refrigerators, fluorescent lamps and air conditioners, laptops … by using such products there will be energy conservation which helps to reduce nation’s greenhouse gas emissions.

  • National Urban transport Policy … emphasizing public transport … encourage public to take public transport like buses and rail
  • By expanding the rail network, people will take the rail and keep vehicles off the roads and reduce greenhouse gas emissions

[Can use India’s examples]

Describe a tsunami and explain how it is caused.                                                           [4]

  • A huge wave

  • Formed by earthquake in the sea
  • Wave on reaching shallower water, greater friction slows waves and forces waves to increase in height
  • When tsunami reaches coast, speed of tsunami reaches 30 – 50 km/h and height of 15m

Reserve 1m – describe a tsunami

‘The impact of a tsunami on people’s lives can be more devastating than that of an earthquakes.’
How far do you agree with this statement?  Give reasons for your answer.                    [6]

Impact of tsunami
Destruction to coastal areas
2004 … 9.2 magnitude earthquake in Indian Ocean, triggered tsunami
Damage coastal settlements in 12 countries
Most damage to western Sumatra, Aceh.
Tsunami … 4- 39 metres high swept 10km inland.  Houses swept away.

Impact of earthquakes [any 2 with examples]
Disruption to services
Loss of lives and properties

Level 1
(0 - 2m)
At this level answers will be generalised or with minimal support if any stand were given at all.
Reasoning rather weak and expression may be unclear.
A basic answer that has little development.

Level 2
(3 - 4m)
Disagreement or agreement will be supported by appropriate detail.
Or, both agreement and disagreement are considered, but support is patchy so that the answer is not full. 
Good reasoning and logic in parts of the answer with good expression in places.

Level 3
(5 - 6m)
At this level answers will be supported by sound knowledge.
Both agreement and disagreement are considered and well supported. 
Reasoning is clear and logical with good expression of language.

Last lesson summary

What are the 4 groups that helps to promote tourism? [4]
 - Government, Media, International Organization and Travel writers.
What are the 3 trends of how tourism is evolving? [3]
- From mass evolve to niche tourism
- From package holiday to free and easy, solo travel
- Growth of both short and long haul destinations due to budget airline and improve in aircraft technology
- Growth of ecotourism

Any 3
Increase in Tourism numbers [8]

-         List the 2 development in Technology to increase the number of tourists.

                              1) Aircraft development
                              2) Internet and use of social media to promote tourism

-         List the 3 demand factors to increase the number of tourists.

                            1) Disposable income
                            2) Leisure time
                            3) Changing lifestyle

-         List the 3 destination factors to increase the number of tourists.

 1) Attractions of the destination
 2) Investment in infrastructure and services
 3) Access to information

List 4 reasons that causes a sudden drop in tourism numbers. [4]
1) Disasters
2) Diseases
3) Political situations /terrorism
4) Economic recessions 

Impact of tourism
List the 6 positive and negative economic impact of tourism. [6]
 1) Employment opportunities
 2) Growth in income
 3) Increase in foreign exchange
 4) Infrastructure development
 5) Seasonal unemployment
 6) Underuse of facilities
 7) Shortage of services

List the 3 Socio-cultural impact of tourism. [3]
          1) Preservation of culture and local customs
          2) Dilution of culture and local customs
          3) Increased crime

        List the 3 Environmental impact of tourism. [3]
         1) Conservation of natural environments
         2) Increased congestion
         3) Vandalism
         4) Pollution and littering
         5) Destruction of habitats
         6) Increased carbon footprints

What are the 5 groups that are responsible to conserve and manage tourism? [5]
 - Tourists
 - Tour operators (tour agencies)
 - Non governmental organization
 - Locals
 - Government

What are the 4 factors that affects temperature of a location? [4]
·      Temperature (Max and Min Thermometer)
1)      Latitude
2)      Altitude
3)      Distance from the sea
4)      Cloud cover

·      Relative humidity, clouds and rainfall
1)      What is the instrument to measure Relative humidity? [1]
                 - sling psychrometer

2)      What are the 2 types of rainfall? [2]
                  - convectional rainfall
                  - relief rain

·      Pressure and winds
1)      What is the instrument to measure pressure? [1]
                   - barometer

2)      Wind systems (Anemometer)
-         List the 2 types of breezes. [2]
  1) Sea breeze
  2) Land breeze
-         List the 2 types of monsoon winds. [2]
1) Northeast to Northwest
2) Southwest to Southeast

What are the 3 types of climate? [3]
1) Tropical climate
2) Monsoon climate
3) Cool temperate climate

Changes in climate
·      Greenhouse gases

·      Cause of climate change
-         List 2 natural factors [2].

 1) Volcanic eruptions
 2) Sunspots 

-         List 5 Anthropogenic (Human) factors
-         Burning of fossil fuels
-         Deforestation
-         Changing land use
-         Agriculture
-         Industrialization
-         Urbanization 

What are the 4 Impact of climate change? [4]
- Sea level rise
- More frequent extreme weather events
- Spread of diseases
- Changes in growing seasons 

Responses and challenges to climate change
1)      What are the 2 International responses to global climate change? [2]
                  - Kyoto protocol
                  - Copenhagen conference

2)      What are the 3 National responses to climate change? [3]
          - Energy efficiency/conservation
          - New building requirements
          - Technologies 


What are 2 reasons that causes plates to move? [2]
 - convection currents circulating in the mantle
 - slab pull movement of the plates
What are the 3 types of plate movements and what landforms do they form? [6]
 - Divergent : ridge, rift valleys
 - Convergent : trench, fold mountains
 - Transform : Faults
What are the 4 parts of a volcano? [4] Crater/caldera, vent, magma chamber, pipe

List 2 difference between the shield and strato volcano? [2]
- Slope : Shield has a gentle slope but strato has a steep slope
- Height : Shield has a shorter height and dome shape, but strato has a higher height 

What are the 4 benefits of living in a volcanic area? [4]
 - Tourism
 - Geothermal energy
 - Fertile soil
 - Precious stones and minerals

What are the 4 risks of living in a volcanic area? [4]
 - Destruction by volcanic materials
 - Landslides
 - Pollution
 - Negative effects on weather 

What are the 5 factors that can affect the magnitude of an earthquake? [5]
 - Distance from epicenter
 - Type of soil
 - Time of occurrence
 - Preparedness
 - Population density

What are the 6 impact of earthquake? [6]
 - Disruption of services
 - Fires
 - Landslides
 - Destruction of properties
 - Loss of lives
 - Threat of tsunami