Monday, February 22, 2016

Greenhouse effect

Lesson objective
- How has the climate been changing?
- Climate change is caused by natural and human reasons.
- Natural factors

Sun spots:
Volanic eruption :

Edmodo : b3sfri
- What are greenhouse gases?
- Explain the differences between the greenhouse and ENHANCED greenhouse effect.

Resource pack page 64 Fig 7

With reference to Fig. 7, describe the relationship between atmospheric carbon dioxide and global warming and their changes over the years.                                                                                                                                                                                                     [4]                                                                                             
  • Global warming increases with increase in carbon dioxide/Global temperature has a direct relationship with carbon dioxide.
  • During pre-industrial level, carbon dioxide increased gradually by 260ppm with only 1 degree celsius increase in atmospheric temperature.
  • During industrial period, carbon dioxide accounting for anthropogenic warming has increased by 280ppm. Carbon dioxide accounting for natural warming has remained constant.
  • Carbon dioxide given out during industrialisation has resulted in increase of  temperature of 6.6 degree celsius.

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