Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Global warming and enhanced greenhouse effect

1) What is greenhouse effect?
2) What is enhanced greenhouse effect?
3) What is global warming?

- Global warming

- Page 5
- Do you agree that educational certificates are the most important thing after graduation.

- I agree with this to a large extent. This essay will discuss about two positive benefits of education certificates such as securing a job, and also progression at work.

Point 1 - A basic certificate allows me to secure a job.
Elaborate 1 - O and N level certificates are the basic requirements in most job criteria, in both public and private sector.
Example 1- A Geography teacher needs to have a degree such as from the National University of Singapore majoring in Arts and Social Sciences.
Limitation 1- However, certain employers may look at other aspects such as CCA and testimonial of the applicant.

Point 2 - Higher educational qualifications will have a faster progression at work.
Elaborate 2 - Workers that are more educated usually climb up the corporate ladder faster and are promoted quicker.
Example 2- According to Hudson salary guide in 2015, the start off pay for graduates with honours are usually higher than those that only graduated with a merit.
Limitation 2- Workers are also judged on their working attitude by their employees to determine if they should be promoted.

Conclusion - Educational certificates are very important for employment purpose and job prospects. However there are also many crucial aspects such as their CCA contribution and also personal attitude that determines how far they can progress.

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