Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Answers to last lesson test

Answers to class test

The students were testing the hypothesis ‘Most tourists get to know Little India through the social media.’

How far do the readings in Fig. 1 support this hypothesis?


  • The readings do not support the hypothesis.
  • Only 5 out of 100 tourists get to know Little India through the social media (travel blogs).
  • Most tourists (50 out of 100 tourists) get to know Little India through family and friends.

*** Award max 2m if data is not used.

One student commented that the questionnaire is not an ideal method to collect data from tourists. Describe the limitations of using a questionnaire to collect information from tourists.

  • People may be reluctant to talk to strangers (students).
  • People may not have time to spend on the questionnaire especially parents with young children.
  • Some people may not tell the truth to certain questions.
  • Questionnaire is usually written in English and not all tourists can understand the language.

*** Accept any plausible answer.


Explain why Singapore experiences the Northeast monsoon at the end of the year.

·        At the end of the year, the Northern hemisphere will be having winter and the air over interior Asia is cool.
·        The cool air contracts, becomes denser and sinks, creating an area of high pressure.
·        The Southern hemisphere is having summer. The warm air expands, becomes less dense and rises, creating an area of low pressure.
·        Winds blow out from high pressure to low pressure areas as Northeast monsoon winds to Singapore.

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