Thursday, March 31, 2016

LDQ for Anthropogenic activities

To what extent do you agree that anthropogenic activities are the main cause of global climate change?

I do agree to a large extent that anthropogenic activities such as burning of fossil fuels are the main cause of global climatic change. However there are also natural causes such as volcanic eruption that may result in changes to the global climate. In this essay i will discuss about the above mentioned points.

Burning of fossil fuels such as dead organic matter helps to generate a large source of the world's energy.
When fossil fuels are being burnt, they releases large amount of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.
In the 1960s, Industrialization for the production of goods and services results in large consumption of fossil fuels in countries like China and United States of America. In 2010, the global carbon dioxide emissions was 30.6 billion tonnes.

Natural disasters such as volcanic eruption may also result in the change in the climate, but at a smaller scale.
During a volcanic eruption, dust particles may create more cloud cover and reflects away incoming radiation from the sun. This may result in dimming of the climate which lowers the temperature temporarily.
During the Mount Pinatubo eruption, temperature was lowered to 0.6 degree celsius for 2 years.

In conclusion, anthropogenic activities are the main contributor to climatic change as it releases greenhouse gases through burning of fossil fuels, industrialization, deforestation and agriculture on a large scale. These activities should be controlled by the government to limit the amount of greenhouse gases that it is producing. The natural factors such as volcanic eruptions and sunspots in the world only affects climate change to a little extent on a smaller scale.

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