Tuesday, May 17, 2016


30th May - Geog Field trip (Afternoon) - Geographical Investigation

31st May - 9 to 10am: Section A (Change to classroom)

2 June - 1240 to 140pm: Section B Com 2

3 June - 9 to 10am: Section C Com 2

Sch reopen 1st lesson : Geography mock exam

Thursday, May 12, 2016

Dear students,

The C Box has been removed due to inappropriate message that was sent by ONE individual that impersonated me. If you think that this is funny, im very disappointed by how you are abusing this blog. This has been setup with good intentions to help you in Geography, and the Cbox for the purpose of people that do not have means to communicate with me outside of the classroom. I believe all of you are more mature than this. 

Miss See Toh

MYE answers

Section A
Answer one Question from Section A.

Students are tasked to record the precipitation and temperature in their school for a week. The map of the school campus is shown in Fig. 1 below

Choose the best location to place a Stevenson screen and explain your reason for doing so.      

-        Field
-        The grass surface will not conduct heat as it is away from buildings and concrete surfaces
      -    It is an open area with no obstruction 


Table 1 shows the data collected by the students in school at 12pm.

Mean temperature and precipitation data collected

1st Jan
2nd Jan
3rd Jan
4th Jan
5th Jan
6th Jan

Temperature (°C)
Precipitation (mm)

Table 1

-        Labelling of units in mm [1]
-        Correct plotting of bar graph [1]

Using the data from Table 1, plot a bar graph below to show the mean precipitation readings over a period of 7 days.                                                                                       [2]                                        

Mean average precipitation taken in the school
                         1st Jan               2nd Jan           3rd Jan              4th Jan             5th Jan            6th Jan      

Name the instrument that the students could have used to collect data on precipitation and describe how the instrument should be set up.                                                            [3]

-        Rain Gauge
-        Place it in an open field away from trees and buildings
-        Partially buried in the ground with 30cm protruding above the surface

Most students wrote '30cm underground'. 
Tommy and Shufang scored well!

The students were testing the following hypothesis ‘Temperature affects the amount of rainfall of the place’. State whether the hypothesis is supported and how the experiment can be improved.                                                                                                               [3]

-        Yes the hypothesis is supported as temperature is lower when the amount of precipitation collected is higher.
-        The students can increase the number of days in recording the amount of precipitation collected.
-        The students could have also increase the number of times they record the temperature daily at regular interval to improve its accuracy.
- The students can conduct the experiment at other locations

 Jit Lin scored well!

Using the information in Fig. 2, explain how relative humidity is being calculated.           [3]

-        Take the Dry and Wet bulb readings (20°C and 15°C)
-        Find the wet bulb depression : 5°C
-        Find the intersection which the dry bulb temperature intersects with the depression of the wet bulb in the relative humidity table

 Most students did not USE THE INFO from FIG 2! No need to write the steps , nor the inaccuracies of collecting the data. Tim scored well!

Students were investigating the perception of tourist experiences in Singapore using a bipolar survey. The survey was conducted at various locations in Chinatown between 5pm to 7pm on a weekend evening. Results of the survey are shown in Fig. 3 below.

Data collected on Tourist’s perceptions at Chinatown

Noise level

Positive remarks

Negative remarks


Fig. 3

Name the most negative experience that tourists are experiencing in Chinatown.


Complete the bipolar graph below to show the perception of tourists that are visiting Chinatown using the information shown in Fig. 3.                                                             [3]

Student A came up with the hypothesis ‘Most tourists visit Singapore as it is a clean city.’

How far do the information in Fig. 3 support this hypothesis? [3]

-        The hypothesis not supported.
-        Litter : Tourist ranked from -5 to 2 points.
-        Vandalism : Tourist ranked from -6 to 8 points.

Many of you do not provide the POINTS! Qn ask for FIG 3! Jordon scored well!

Select a sampling method and state its advantages and disadvantages.                         [4]

Systematic sampling method

-        Reduce biasness
-        More efficiency as it takes lesser time

-        Requires a larger sample size to have more accurate representations
-        There may be minority that deviates out of the mean


Random sampling method

-        Reduce biasness
-        Represents targeted population

-        Requires a lot of time to gather a list of the specific population
-        Requires a large sample size to have an accurate representations

Or Stratified sampling method
- Adv : Subgroups . identifies easily
-Disadv: Hard to recognize, biasness

 Jiawen, Eric, Ervin, Jordon scored well! 1m each for method, describe, advantage, disadvantage

Explain the limitations of using a pie chart to represent data.                                           [2]


-        It is difficult to see categories that only occupy small percentage of the chart.
-        It does not show the absolute value of the data as data is all shown in percentages.

Nat scored well!

Section B
Answer Question 3 from this section.


Study Fig. 4 which shows price of air tickets to various locations from Singapore in 2016.

Using Fig. 4, describe the relationship between the price of air tickets and the distance of the locations from Singapore.                                                                                           [3]

-        Locations that are further away from Singapore such as North America are the most expensive at $1572.
-        Locations that are nearest to Singapore such as Hong Kong is the cheapest at $438
-        However prices of air tickets to Australia is more expensive at $851 compared to Africa at $741 although Australia is nearer to Singapore than Africa.

Most of you did not use DATA from Fig. 4! 
Ervin, Sophiann, Keefe and Eric scored well!

Account for the relationship described in (a)(i).                                                                [3]
-        Locations that are further away requires more traveling time, this will result in more expensive air tickets due to fuel and manpower costs.
-        Locations that are nearer are cheaper due to the rise of budget aircraft which has a cheaper cost due to the shorter distance.
-        Air tickets to certain countries like Australia may be more expensive due to its popularity which increases the price due to high demand for the air tickets.

‘Local villagers play the most important role in sustainable tourism.’

 Justin and Sophian scored well! Sustainable tourism refers to conservation, ensuring that the resources are not depleted or spoilt.

How far do you agree with this statement? Give reasons for your answer.          [6]

Responsibilities of groups
Local villagers can work with NGOs to set up community based tourism to help tourist learn about their culture and ensure sustainability. The nature of tourism can be structured to benefit the locals by conserving and preserving the environment. However many community-based projects are not successful due to improper management and shortage of skilled labour.

Villagers of Candirejo in Indonesia set up a cooperative with support by the government to develop homestay programs and organic farm tours. Locals were consulted and trained as tour guides, these helps to ensure that tourists do not destroy the environment.
Tourists should visit without causing damage or offence to the destination. Tourists can minimize their carbon footprint while they are on a holiday. This include considering factors such as amount of water used and amount of waste recycled.
In 2007, the Tourism Sustainability Group was setup by the European Commission to encourage tourists to select their holiday destinations based on the conservation efforts of the place.
Tour operators can help to conserve and protect the environments visited by tourists as fewer tourists are likely to visit a place if the landscape is spoilt or unique cultures deteriorated.
The Phuket Alternative Tours was set up in 2006 to create awareness about environmental conservation for visitors to Phuket, and to operate in an environmentally sustainable way.
The NGOs are concerned with tourism’s impact on natural and human environments, and aims to achieve sustainable tourism for protecting the environment.
Since 1990, the International Ecotourism Society conducts training courses, provide technical assistance that is related to tourism and the environment.
The planning authorities can influence the quality of environments by determining how many visitors a site can cope with and allocating space for infrastructure such as roads and hotels.
The STB takes into account of the conservation of national heritage in ethnic districts of Singapore such as Little India. This allows visitors to appreciate Singapore’s rich heritage.

Level 1 (0 - 2 marks)
At this level answers will be generalized or with minimal support if any stand were given at all.
Reasoning rather weak and expression may be unclear.
A basic answer that has little development.

Award L1/1 for answer limited to simple listing of local communities/Tour operators/ Tourists/NGO/planning authorities only.
Award L1/2 for answer with description of effectiveness or limitations of stakeholders only.
Level 2 (3 - 4 marks)
Disagreement and agreement will be supported by appropriate detail.
Or, both agreement and disagreement are considered, but support is patchy so that the answer is not full. 
Good reasoning and logic in parts of the answer with good expression in places.

Award L2/3 for answer with balanced evaluation of at least the local community and another group.
Award L2/4 for answer with balanced evaluation of at least the local community and another group, with at least ONE example given.

Level 3 (5 - 6 marks)
At this level answers will be supported by sound knowledge.
Both agreement and disagreement are considered and well supported. 
Reasoning is clear and logical with good expression of language.

Award L3/5 for answer with balanced evaluation of at least the local community and another group, with at least TWO examples given.
Award L3/6 for answer with balanced evaluation of at least the local community and another group, with more than TWO examples given.

Section C
Answer one Question from Section C.

Using Fig. 5, explain why plates move.                                                                          [4]

-        Convection current: Heated mantle expands, rises and spreads out beneath the plates
-        The plates are dragged along and move away from each other
-        As the mantle cools slightly, it sinks and pull the plates along.
-        Hence plates move towards each other.

 Jit Lin and Martin scored well!

Study Fig. 6 which shows the movement of the Eurasian and Indian plates.

Using Fig. 6, account for the formation of the Himalaya Mountains.                               [3]

-        The Eurasian and Indian plate are converging towards each other
-        As the plates collide, the rocks fracture and may buckle.
-        The compressional force causes the layers of rocks to fold, forming the Himalaya Mountains.

Study Fig. 7 which shows a tourist’s review of a volcano tour in Hawaii.

With the aid of Fig. 7 and studies you have made, describe the benefits and risks of living in a volcanic area.                                                                                                              [4]

-        Tourists are attracted to the area to view the volcanic activities such as flowing lava into the sea
-        Employment opportunities are created for the locals such as boats men and tour guides

-        There may be a risk of volcanic eruption at any time which could endanger lives
-        The volcanic ashes and sulphur dioxide may pollute the air and affect one’s health

Darren scored well!

Explain how earthquakes may trigger a tsunami effect.                                        [4]

-        The seismic energy from the earthquake forces out a mass of sea water.
-        This creates a tsunami wave towards the shore from the epicenter of the earthquake.
-        On reaching shallower water, greater friction slows the waves and forces them to increase in height.
-        At the point of impact on the coast, these large waves which can reach a height of 15m eventually breaks and flood the coastline.

Darren scored well!

Describe the characteristics of a shield volcano.                                                   [4]

-        Gently sloping sides
-        Broad base / dome shape
-        Low viscosity lava that spreads widely before solidifying / low silica content
-        Eruptions are gentle but frequent

‘The level of preparedness is the most important factor that determines the extent of damage caused by an earthquake.’

Justin, Sophiann, Shufang scored well!
How far do you agree with this statement? Give examples to support your answer.

The amount of preparation taken by the authorities and citizens make a significant difference to the impact of the earthquake. This allows the management of an earthquake to be easier when people are better prepared for it.
In Japan, schools have evacuation plans, trained rescue workers and a range of action plans in the event of an earthquake.
The time of occurrence of the earthquake determines where people are and what they are doing. This will affect people’s chances of survival. If the earthquake occurs when people are sleeping, there is a higher chance that they will be trapped and more deaths may occur.
More than 2400 people died when an earthquake occurred a couple of hours after midnight in the Sun Moon Lake Region in Taiwan in 1999.
The type of soil that has loose and unconsolidated sediments may result in greater damage when earthquake occurs. Structures built on saturated soil may result in liquefaction where the ground becomes unstable and flows like a liquid.
In Christchurch, many houses and buildings had to be abandoned because of liquefaction after the earthquake in 2011.
The location of earthquake at convergent plate boundary has the most stress build up when a plate subducts beneath one another.
The devastating earthquake in Tohoku, Japan, in 2011 results in loss of many lives as it is caused by the convergence of plates.

Level 1 (0 - 2 marks)
At this level answers will be generalized or with minimal support if any stand were given at all.
Reasoning rather weak and expression may be unclear.
A basic answer that has little development.

Award L1/1 for answer limited to simple listing of factor only.
Award L1/2 for answer with description of factor only.

Level 2 (3 - 4 marks)
Disagreement and agreement will be supported by appropriate detail.
Or, both agreement and disagreement are considered, but support is patchy so that the answer is not full. 
Good reasoning and logic in parts of the answer with good expression in places.

Award L2/3 for answer with description of at least TWO factors and ONE example given.
Award L2/4 for answer with description of at least TWO factors and TWO examples given.

Level 3 (5 - 6 marks)
At this level answers will be supported by sound knowledge.
Both agreement and disagreement are considered and well supported. 
Reasoning is clear and logical with good expression of language.

Award L3/5 for answer with description of at least TWO factors and TWO examples given.
Award L3/6 for answer with description of at least TWO factors and TWO examples given with a good conclusion stated.

Study Fig. 8 which shows the climograph of New Delhi. 
Source : http://en.climate-data.org/location/30/

Using Fig. 8, name the climate type of New Delhi and describe its characteristics.        [4]

-        Monsoon climate with a distinct wet season from July to September and dry season from October to May.
-        High mean temperature of 25.2 degree Celsius
-        Temperature range of 20 degree Celsius
-        Total precipitation of 693mm.

With the aid of a well-labelled diagram, explain how land breeze occurs at a coastal area.                                                                                                                               [6]

2m – diagram (half mark each)

-        Direction of land breeze
-        Night time
-        Land : lower temperature, higher pressure,
-        Sea : higher temperature, lower pressure

4m – explanation (1m each)
-        During the night, the land has lower temperature and the sea has higher temperatue
-        As warm air expands and rises, it lowers the air pressure over the sea
-        As air cools and sinks, it causes a high pressure area to be formed on land
-        Since air moves from an area of high to low pressure, land breeze moves from the land to the sea

Nat scored well!


Study Fig. 9 which shows a diagram of the Mid-Oceanic Ridge.

Explain how the Mid-Oceanic Ridge is formed with reference to Fig. 9.    [4]

-        At the constructive/ divergent plate boundary, the oceanic and oceanic plates moves away from each other
-        Magma rises from the mantle to fill the gap between the plates as they diverge
-        New sea floor is formed when the magma cools and solidifies, this is known as sea floor spreading
-        The new ocean floor is known as the Mid-Oceanic Ridge

Study Fig. 10 below which shows the greenhouse gas emission by various activities.
Fig. 10

How do human activities contribute to global warming?                             [5]'

Claudia, Jordon, Eric scored well! 5 marks question should have 5 different points to support.

Burning fossil fuel
-        Releases carbon dioxide when burnt eg petroleum and coal during industrialization

-        Loss of forests due to clearance of trees results in fewer trees to absorb carbon dioxide. Carbon oxidation also produces carbon dioxide when soil is exposed to sunlight

-        Cattle faming releases millions of tonnes of methane from the digestive systems of cattle

-        Fossil fuels are burnt for the production of goods and services, resulting in contribution of carbon dioxide to the atmosphere

-        Various human activities produces carbon dioxide such as domestic activities and use of electricity in household

‘The increase in occurrence of extreme weather events is the most significant impact of Climate change.’

To what extent do you agree with this statement? Use examples to support your answer. [6]

 Claudia and Firdaus scored well!

Extreme weather events can occur whereby severe and rare weather phenomenon are created due to climate change. The extreme weather events results in significant economic losses and loss of lives
Heat waves, floods, droughts and tropical cyclones are more rampant in the last decade.
The Spread of infectious insect-borne diseases occurs when insect borne diseases spreads with global temperature changes. This is due to increased rainfall and temperature that is favorable for mosquitoes to breed in
In 2004, dengue fever was being spread to countries north of the equator such as Nepal as temperate countries get warmer and mosquitoes can breed.
The rise of sea level threatens low-lying islands and coastal populations. This is due to the increase in the mean height of the sea surface relatively to the land as a result of temperature increase.
The Majuro Atoll in the Pacific Ocean will lose 80% of its land if the sea level rises by half a metre.
The growing season of crops may lengthen in certain regions due to the higher temperatures. This can be advantageous or disadvantageous to different crops.
In Yunnan, China, the production of fruits such as apples and cherries is reduced as these fruits require cool condition to grow. However the temperature increase also allows new types of crops to be grown in the UK such as blackberries and maize.

Level 1 (0 - 2 marks)
At this level answers will be generalized or with minimal support if any stand were given at all.
Reasoning rather weak and expression may be unclear.
A basic answer that has little development.

Award L1/1 for answer limited to simple listing of impact only.
Award L1/2 for answer with description of impact only.

Level 2 (3 - 4 marks)
Disagreement and agreement will be supported by appropriate detail.
Or, both agreement and disagreement are considered, but support is patchy so that the answer is not full. 
Good reasoning and logic in parts of the answer with good expression in places.

Award L2/3 for answer with description of at least TWO impact and ONE example given.
Award L2/4 for answer with description of at least TWO impact and TWO examples given.

Level 3 (5 - 6 marks)
At this level answers will be supported by sound knowledge.
Both agreement and disagreement are considered and well supported. 
Reasoning is clear and logical with good expression of language.

Award L3/5 for answer with description of at least TWO impact and TWO examples given.

Award L3/6 for answer with description of at least TWO impact and TWO examples given, plus a good conclusion to support the answer.