Friday, June 24, 2016

Geog lessons Term 3

Hi all,

This is the lesson plan for term 3. We will be using 409 classroom this term.

27th Mon : Tourism GI / Trends

5th Tue : Relief teacher (Mock test + Corrections) - Tourism impact (social, eco, environment)

7th Thu : Relief teacher (Mock test + Corrections) - Plates movement (diverge, converge, transform)

11th Mon : Plates earthquake and tsunami (formation, distribution, hazards)

19th Tue : Plates

21st Thu : Tourism

25th Mon : Climate

28th Thu : Geography Prelim exam

Thursday, June 2, 2016

Geog Remedial

Hi all,

There will be geography consultations every Thur from 3-6pm in the Library if you have questions for Geography. It is not compulsory as i only want to assist students with enquiries. Do not come and expect me to go through all your Sec 3 and 4 work because that was taught in 1.5years! Do revise on your own first, and come with questions or clarifications.

Lets work hard together!

Prelims is on 28th July 2016

June holiday homework - Revise all 3 topics, there will be a mock exam when school reopens.

Miss ST